We are proud winners in the 2024 Waikato Business Awards!


Our community

Longveld recognises Māori as tāngata whenua, the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand.

We acknowledge the iwi, or tribes, of our Waikato region who trace their tupuna, or ancestry, back to the Tainui waka, one of the ocean-going canoes that first brought Māori to our shores. Aotearoa New Zealand is a vibrant multicultural society and we reflect that diversity at Longveld. 

Many of our team members are first generation migrants with 14 different languages spoken between us. Our aim is to ensure our business practices recognise and respect all cultures, both within our team and in our relationships with others. 


We believe that while sustainable financial success is important, it comes as a result of getting many things right, including having a lasting positive impact on our wider community and the industry we are part of.

Our philanthropic activity is focused on:

Strengthening community diversity and connectedness

Supporting talent

Supporting young people into trade engineering careers as part of ensuring a succession of talent in our industry

Improving community health and wellbeing

our intern program.


Our intern programmes provide paid work experience for professional engineering students while they are completing their qualification. The students get the opportunity to apply their learning to real-life projects, while we get to sharpen up on new technology developments and have our thinking challenged.

Work placement

The Waikato Trades Academy (WTA), in partnership with Wintec and local secondary schools, enables Year 11 and Year 12 students to spend a day per week at Wintec learning trade skills while finishing their schooling. Since 2014 Longveld, Wintec and WTA have joined forces to encourage young women into the engineering trades through this programme. Longveld provides workplace experience opportunities for girls in both year 1 and 2 of the programme and sponsors the award for the most outstanding female student in year 2.

Secondary school employer partnerships (SSEP)

Smart Waikato’s SSEP connect young people, educators and employers, generating transformative results for communities. Employers from a range of sectors interconnect with school faculties contextualising learning for Year 9 and 10 and introducing them to a wide range of careers and key industries. Employers come into schools and students go out workplaces to see classroom learning applied in action.


Waikato Engineering Careers Association (WECA) works with Wintec to run an Engineering in Action Day for secondary school students. We participate in this business visit programme to give students an opportunity to explore the many career pathways in the engineering field.

EPro8 challenge

EPro8 is a nation-wide engineering problem-solving race. Over 10,000 school students in years 5-13 take part each year. Teams compete to invent machines that can complete simple tasks, build structures and solve practical problems using pulleys, motors, gears, wheels and axles, basic electronic circuits and practical maths.

Future Force

FutureForce Careers Hub – Waikato’s trusted guide to careers in our region. Designed by young people, for young people (with the help of local experts!), FutureForce Careeers Hub has been carefully created to give our region’s young people an edge as you make important decisions that shape your career. 
Check out our very own Kyle Prince who is a Light Fabrication Apprentice at Longveld.


Longveld is a member of the following industry organisations:

Longveld’s directors are members of: